Day 276 - Wire Transport

Getting ready for a trip always feels like I am filling a suitcase with electronics chargers, then squeeze some clothes in between the wires. Heh! Looks like I might have to go ahead and find a way to consolidate those at some point.

I know, I know, First World Problems.

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Day 275 - Matt vs. Ghost

Still frame from a video our video people were making today. Matt, a recent webdev intern, looks like he's seen a ghost. I promise, however, that no interns were harmed in the making of this clip.

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Day 274 - Standing in Line for Bread

I know many people who would swear standing in line for bread was a Soviet Union kind of thing. But, lo and behold! It exists here too. In good American fashion, the mom-and-pop bakery business was largely extinct decades ago in favor of mass-produced, subpar bread replacement products from your friendly neighborhood supermarket. Even today it remains a challenge to find delicious baked goods in this corner of the world -- though there is a silver lining (especially in the vicinity of somewhat overpaid Silicon Valley hipsters aching for anything that sounds or looks "European"), like this bakery stand at the market, selling excellent traditional baked goods -- if only you're willing to wait in line.

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Day 273 - Hanging Around

This HDR shot of some clothes pins (with its slightly over-saturated colors) makes them look like candy.

Do not eat. I tried.

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Day 272 - Mexican Fiesta

This place mat from a Mexican restaurant cracks me up. I can only imagine how this would look in a German restaurant: The middle would say "Ein deutsches Fest!", the people would wear Dirndl and Lederhosen, and there would be random words spread all over it.

Hello -- Hallo! Goodbye -- Auf Wiedersehen!

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Day 271 - Playing Fetch

Tara, playing fetch with Lizzy. I love the blurriness created by moving the ball. Awesome!

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Day 270 - X-Rays

Oh, don't we all love going to the dentist (wait, what?). At least, I was able to appreciate the geek factor of loading the dental x-rays straight into the computer. Pretty cool.

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Day 269 - Amazed

A kid, amazed by all the things happening around it at the farmer's market, amidst a group of people rushing to get their groceries.

I think kids can be excellent photo subjects: They have a tendency to have more honest (and obvious) emotions than adults. On the other hand, don't expect them to hold still for longer than a split-second, so you better take your picture fast :)

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Day 268 - Buncha Bikes

From the collection "gems around the office": "Bikeshed"'s pin board. Never shy for suggestions!

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Day 268 - Faketoberfest

Whole chicken, check. Oktoberfest beer, check. Gas for the grill, check. Faketoberfest is ON!

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